• Question: Do you know anywhere where I could learn Java Source?

    Asked by decimalpoint to Mark on 12 Nov 2011.
    • Photo: Mark Basham

      Mark Basham answered on 12 Nov 2011:

      Hi decimalpoint,

      Java’s a great choice of language for learning to program, and there are loads of places where you could learn to code.

      If your interested in some web resources you do really well with the oracle (company who owns java) tutorials from here.


      Also most libraries/book shops will have books which introduce it, and in fact i have bought quite a few really good books on java from charity book shops, so its always worth a quick look.

      Finally i think most Computer Science or Software Engineering courses at university or college will use Java.

      Hope this answers the question, but feel free to get in touch if you want some more info, and remember that Google/you favorite search engine is your best friend when writing code 🙂

