• Question: stem cells are being used to make the worlds most expensive hamburger do you not think money could be spent more wisely?

    Asked by sare13 to Ben, Jony, Katharine, Mark, Peter on 20 Nov 2011.
    • Photo: Katharine Schofield

      Katharine Schofield answered on 18 Nov 2011:

      I think the aim of this was to create meat which is edible by growing it from stem cells rather than obtaining it through the normal process of farming and slaughtering animals. With the population of the world growing and growing, food provision is a real concern. Normal farming methods are quite energy intensive, maybe this will be a way around that. I haven’t read up about it in any detail so I haven’t thought through all the pros and cons, but research into future food sources seems a reasonable thing to invest in.

    • Photo: Mark Basham

      Mark Basham answered on 20 Nov 2011:

      Don’t know much about this example, but part of the nature of science and technology is that to create the first prototype of anything, be it a hamburger made of Stem cells or a Fusion reactor, always takes a vast amount of effort and money. But without these pioneering efforts so many things we take for granted now wouldn’t exist.
